Sunday, June 23, 2013

Shark Attack

When we said "let's just be friends" we couldn't know how things would end. We've both said things we shouldn't have. We both did things we didn't know we'd regret. Looking back so many things that didn't last could have but now it's all just moments in the past. We both skipped out on better suited opportunities because we thought we had our forevers. Forever for me and you turned into never. It was certainly clever of us to decide not to hide but run we both did. The difference is I did not look back when you did. Instead of stepping back I put my propellers to good use and moved away from you. Like a great white out for blood you tracked my heart and tried devouring my love. Maybe sharks don't choke but on my loves last breath you did choke. I murdered you while you mangled me and we were both lost at sea. Now when we look into the others' tremendous eyes I won't find you, nor you I.