Monday, November 4, 2013

Glory, Glory

Basking in his light. 
Oh Glory, glory.
Bathing in his love.
Oh Glory, glory.
Reigning faith take flight.
Oh Glory, glory.
Receiving messages from above.
Oh Glory, glory. 
Sitting in his presence. 
Oh Glory, glory.
Standing in his blessings.
Oh, Glory, glory. 
Praising his name daily.
Oh Glory, glory.
Praying for his healing.
Oh Glory, glory. 
Leaning on his promise. 
Oh Glory, glory.
Loving his outcomes. 
Oh Glory, glory.
Knowing he is always with us. 
Oh Glory, glory.
Keeping his teachings our main focus. 
Oh Glory, glory.
Learning ways to become a better person.
Oh Glory, glory.
Loving walking in the right direction. 
Oh Glory, glory. 
Holding on to his love and lessons.
Oh Glory, glory. 
Having him guide me every day of my life.
Oh Glory, glory.
I am his ever lasting love and light.


2013 Update

Yayy! Well it's now November and with the new year quickly approaching I am so happy to be putting my vacation plans in motion for March 2014 (Spring Break). Things between me and love are good. Just missing each other something fierce. Ready for visit by now. Desperate to share a smile and an embrace. Things with Baby-D are back to normal too. I have court soon so we'll see what the outcome of that is. Hmmm? What else? Not much. Still job hunting. It's slow going. I'm already at 3200 views on here so much love and appreciation to those who still check me out. Shout outs to y'all! I never thought it possible but I started a new "FakeBook" and I'm actually enjoying it. I know some people are curious as to why or what's going on with that but it's strictly to keep in touch with my man's family and a few of my own family members who live out of State. If I don't add any new people it's because I don't feel like it's necessary to include people on there who I think may have bad intentions or are just spying on my life for someone else. If we haven't spoken in over 6 months it's probably best it stays that way. I don't know why anyone would reach out now. It's kind of too late to mend any broken bonds at this point. I know who my true friends and loving family are at this point in my life and I am completely cool and content with those still in my immediate circle. I still love and respect everyone but some things were meant to happen so I'm not going disrupt the natural flow of anything now. All anyone really needs to know about me and mine is that we are happy, healthy and looking forward to a bright and blessed future. I'm in love with the perfect man for me and I'm still writing. Life is great! I can't complain. Don't really possess the right to. God is the guiding light for me now and I can testify that my sacrifices for him are the reasons why my head stays above water. Find Jesus and make your creator the central focus in your life and everything else will just fall into place. Keep me and my family in your prayers. Thank you for keeping me relevant! I'm still alive, kicking and breathing. I'm still me and I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere. XOXO!