Wednesday, June 11, 2014

They're just questions

Some questions were meant to have answers. Sometimes questions just breed new questions, not answers. When what I am and the things I do aren't good enough for you who will I turn to? What shall I do when you up and leave us too? They're just questions. Aren't they? Do they have an underlying meaning? Who is asking these questions? Who are these questions directed to? What do they mean to you? Do they mean anything at all? Why is your wall so tall? Why all of the sudden do I feel so small? Why do I feel like I am so full of questions and you don't have any at all? Answer them all. All of my questions get turned to the next ones and I get no answers at all. Why should I reveal any part of myself at all? What is in it for y'all? Is there anything at all? Just more questions to tack to the rest of them? Time on the wall just poses more questions. Do you give your answers up without any questions? Which questions make you feel small? I ask more questions in hopes I won't have any more questions at all. Why ask any questions? If the answers are never told why be so bold and ask all the things you want to know? Instead of saying I don't know we say Who knows? Then it's no longer our fuss to come up with answers they can trust. But... they're just questions. Right? Nothing special ever happens in the light. Yes and No answers. Repetitive patterns. Merry go round no standards. The go-to reason you don't have an answer. The same reason you're leaving time and space for me to formulate more questions for you not to answer. Because you have no answers. You backed yourself upon your wall. Now they're just pressin all of your buttons because you can't come up with them quick enough for me not to catch your bluffin. 50% of Love is all a big fat bluff! So I'll press your luck. You can't script your answers and who should have to? The answer is we all ask questions so maybe it's time you stop stressin and give up a few lessons. Your answers are a blessing. I need your answers to survive. Your answers uncover what you try and hide. No more guessin. No more writin rhymes. No more reading in between the lines. It's about time for you to start choosin fine print too. Why do we always bite off more than we can chew? I have so many truths all I need is for you to ask. Someday, some place at some space in time you'll have your chance to ask. As long as we both know that they're all just questions.