Monday, July 9, 2018

Feeling You Feeling Me

I feel it when you've got your mind on me, your thoughts are magnified to infinity. I feel the intensity of your energy traversing the distance between us along our own wavelengths. How can we be apart when our souls are constantly interconnected, tethered together? I feel you feeling me. You inhale my exhaled breaths and your eyes close as mine blink open. Our words mesh and mingle like the most seasoned couple in a dance contest, splicing our thoughts together like some mad scientist. We are the topic of every conversation in the center of an ocean of people, yet it's just you and I on the sea floor. Our magnetic stares disintegrate every grain of sand in the hourglass and we lose all track of the time passing by like lighting strikes. Our love is more durable than the wrought iron that holds up the Eiffel Tower. Your smile is brighter than the hail of a meteor shower. I feel you feeling me without having ever caressed my skin. Your fingertips dance along the window sill, teasing my desire. Never have I ever wanted for anyone more than I do you. Yet, you find ways to fill me like a torrential rain on desert terrain. It's unimaginable to think what we have to look forward to. One day we will share billions of kisses, more than all of the glistening stars that litter the night sky. No matter how hard you try to stifle the fire, I will feel you feeling me, fanning the flames beneath the smoke signals from your brain. You reach for me but don't feel a thing and in the same motion touch my mind, my heart, my every part. I can no longer guard my heart. You've stormed my inner city and knocked down all of my walls. My defenses were no match for your arsenal of pure intentions. I love the way you love me and I will forevermore feel you, feeling me. 

I love you Mi Burris. 
Your Hallupeno    

Monday, July 2, 2018

Lighting in a Bottle

her heart was not safe in the thunderstorm of her thoughts. danger lurked in the form of heavy clouds ready to pour all of her emotions out. the drops of rain are heavy like her heart. the lighting splits her in two like the trunk of an aged tree stump. all she can do is shield her head from the rain as it turns to hail. she tells herself the welts will eventually heal. she's all black and blue while she waits the storm out. she's more alone now than she ever was. no one ever comes to her rescue because she's too far gone. she's a danger to herself and full of electric volts, ready to shock who ever she might touch. she dwells in the pain. the thunder doesn't shake her anymore. it's a welcome sound. she feels the vibrations on the ground. the lighting strikes her down, again and again, yet there she stands. enduring the pain. the storm within her soul never ceases to remind her of all she's been through. the rain finally stops and the sun is out but her tears flood the ground anyhow and the heavy clouds follow her around. she'll never escape the eye of the system because she is the storm.