Monday, August 21, 2017


If I were ever to take your life it would most certainly be done by my own bare hands. I wouldn't use a gun or a knife. I wouldn't lace your vodka on the rocks with a deadly dosage of arsenic. I'd never leave the gas on in the house and leave you a note to light the scented candles. I wouldn't run you a bath then stand over you with the hair dryer plugged in and accidentally drop it in. I wouldn't run you down with my gassed up SUV or cut the brake lines in your sports car. I wouldn't slit your throat with a razor blade or strangle you to death with your own neck tie. I wouldn't push you off of a mountain top or drown you and leave your lifeless body in a body of water. I wouldn't set fire to our home while you were sleeping peacefully or blow up your car while you were taking a joy ride. I wouldn't hire a hit man or hit you with a cast iron frying pan while you weren't looking. I'd never dream of pushing you into a polar bear enclosure or knock you off the boat in shark infested waters. Before I ever straddled you in our very own bed and suffocated you with a pillow over your face, I'd kill you with my heart and love you to death. If my love were a drug, you'd become addicted, overdose and die then I'd get 25 to life for homicide.  

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