Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dumb ass

So does it make you feel like a big man to talk shit about my Dead father??? Really? All I wanted were my dead fathers tools back. Yea you may think I don't need them and you're right. I don't. Because my dad is dead and you did not marry me I just thought it would be nice to keep them you know for like a family airloom. But like you said since you still have your dad I don't expect you to understand or have sympathy for me. That's ok about the tools. Keep them. At least I know they'll be used and cared for. As for the name calling. You can keep that too. You aren't even good at it. All you got is Mutt, psycho and slut! Lol. You are going to have to try harder than that. Why not pick up a dictionary? It won't bite you. But mark my words here and now JAF you crossed the line talking bout my Pops like that. I think you know it but your punishment will far exceed the damage your remarks have caused me. You are cancerous. Poisonous. And I will avoid you like the plaque. Good riddance.

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