Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Finding Nemo

My mind is much too deep for if you should try to step in it You will sink. Only there is no bottom so you would never hit the floor. Instead your head would be suffocated to death by the strangling, crippling depth of my depths. You would be swept asunder and left to wonder whether or not you made it back to reality in one piece. Entering my realm is almost like a cry for help because no cries inside my mind are silent, I can hear them all. Will I help you up or let you fall? Neither. You are not welcome here nor there or anywhere and not inside of my mind nor occupying my time. I write. I can conclusify from your delusional try to dive into my mind that you are thrashing out and need some help to find yourself because you are still lost in between the moment of when you quit and when you ceased to exist. I woke up one morning and took a nice long piss, wiped the drip, flushed the toilet and closed the lid. There you went. Glad I could give you a hint. Take a fucking hint.

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