Thursday, December 13, 2012

I lied..

Um yea. So I was going to try and stop writing so much negative shit but it seems like the negative is all I got right now so yall keep looking. Obviously it's enjoyable to see how much pain and heartache I've been through. The happy shit isn't as interesting I guess. The funniest part about this blog is that ALMOST everyone who reads it hates me in some form or fashion. Oh well. What do they say? Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all. So I suppose a thanks is in order for my "fans". Grab some popcorn, a brew and take a seat in the stands. Your hateful thoughts and negativity are fueling the fuck out of my fire. I hope you all enjoy this next one. I'm done explaining myself for now. Now I just want to write and get all this hate out of my poor little wounded heart. Get comfortable and buckle in. It's going to be a looong and super bumpy ride to the end.

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