Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Importance (7/3/08)

These things of sheer importance are important to me because they make this life I'm living easier than IT does. Dreaming delicately in my sleep and leading to the dawn's early peek and taking in a breath of air waking up with silky hair. God gives me all my days and those days are full of things, these things of sheer importance that I think are the things that make me want to thank. Small sounds and whiny whispers, hugs and kisses and tiny ticklers. Colors, touch, tastes and smells, cherries, waffles and chocolate milk. Bright lights and starry eyes, learn their faces and what makes them cry. They grow up fast so enjoy the ride, get to know them from their out to inside. Meet your parents because someday they'll be gone, they are not the same as when you were young. Wrongs and Rights and views and sights, summer and sun and rain and fun. Fresh cut grass beneath my feet, standing in the Texas heat. 90 degrees under shady trees, melting ice cream dripping rivers down my knees. All the music that I know from my past and to the show, screaming from beyond the crowds, sitting at home on my couch. All of these things are of importance You'll see, these things are of sheer importance for me. Breathing Mother, Resting Father ignore the sadness why even bother, life and death are a part of me now and why and where and when and how. Power, strength, conscience, news, truth, reality, singing and Shoes. Shoes that fit and clothes that don't, incentive to lose and the FAT chance I wont. Pre-School, teething and potty training too, these things of sheer importance are also things I must do. Change my license, I'm already twenty-two, find a house and live in it too. Love my friends, refuse to have enemies, write a poem and read a different entry. Go to work, eat a meal, cash my check and find a steal. Swimming, swinging, Climbing trees, learning numbers and ABC's. Love my children, my love and life, breathe in deep maybe become a wife. Growing, learning, always listening and helping others, owing and simplicity, returning, earning, respecting and caring. All of these things I'll do, done or will, these are those things of sheer importance still. Will not say good bye, only see you the next time. Will walk from the shady spot and not waste my gas. Save my money but still look for deals and learn how to cook my most favorite meals. Beauty and brains, don't give up, finish school. Knowledge is power and when applied is a tool, intelligence, elegance, exuberant and Cool. Laughing and crying, playing and flying. Travel and search, road trips and church. Lay off the Booze, get drunk and go party, invest in a motorcycle and try not to become just a body. Just kidding, that thought is scary, lip gloss and suntans and smelling like berries. Thinking, wondering and wandering too, these things that are of sheer importance for me, will never be through.

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