Saturday, October 25, 2014

Am I?

Am I really still your one? Am I still the one you want? Do you know you love me with your guts? Does it hurt your soul to know there is someone yearning for you as well? Someone you can't touch or feel? Can you feel the magnetic pull? Do you think I'm worth waiting for? In your opinion do our calibers match? Am I your catch? How attached have you become? Are you relying solely on love? Do you believe God brought us back together? Do you think we've already survived the stormiest weather? Are you in the least bit afraid to give your all to me? Are you weary if we go awry that our time together will be done? What will you do if I turn out differently than from what you thought? Am I the only one you want? Out of billions you found one? You love me from your guts? Seeing me again is a must? Creating love with me is what you want? Putting up with my girl crazy won't be too much? Do you think I'm a blessing? Do you think you're better off than most guys because you have me? Do you truly separate me as a Queen? Do you think I'm royalty? Do you feel confident in my loyalty? How often do I cross your mind? How do you brush the worry to the side? Do you have time? Time to throw away answering all of my pointless questions? Will you still love me with all of my indiscretions? Please, no matter what you feel, think or do just love me all the way through? I promise I will love you too. 

this is just a little poem that came out. You don't really have to answer all those questions. ;) I just figured questions can actually reveal answers. Maybe they'll give you a little insight to where my mind roams when I'm all alone and I'm stuck with this time on my hands. Just forever no matter what know that you've got my love. I'll always support you and I'll never leave you lonely because I don't want to be left alone. Nunca me molestas Para nada mi loony toony. Besides my kids you're all I got. Mama won't be around forever. Without you it's just me. I'm really glad you're understanding of my tantrums and don't take me too seriously when I go off for no reason. I love you so much. There's no one who can match me on as many levels as you do. I can't explain it. I just love you alot. I'm rt here chulo. Hasta la proxima. ;) I'm kissing you and missing you. Oh yea and now I wanna know what pic u like. 

Mayne!!! that was some 50 cent shyt, 21questions but jus a few more than 21 questions:) anyways Ill have to get back at u, give me about a month so i can get that 2gether for u in a poema stilo ok:) Ima try, if it doesnt work out too well then ur hit for another month:) anyways todo esta bien, say wht the frijoles is this     i know its eyes and a kiss but wht the fuck is the other stuff, let me guess, the torso with some titties,..... my favorite, j/k.   I know i know, its a heart baby. but that 1st guess was funny huh, u cant deny it. bueno pues ma, i gotta get ready for bed ima holla at u manana, besos amr.


Ya vas empesar con tu drama ma. Mira ma, todo esta bien aint nuthin changed over herre, but ive said that many times to u over the phone and emails and letters as well, i dont wanna bore u. And my phone was takin away for a couple months, but dont trip, all is well. let things cool down, you'll see. thangs aint right in herre, ive tried to tell u that a few months ago pero i guess u aint tryin to hear that, and i understand, but u have to understand that there are only so many thangs i can say over the phones and this email. I aint in no kind of way backin off from u, jus me with a lot of free time in my hands, and with free time comes a lot of thinkin. and somtimes i think i bore u, especially when u say that ur tired of fuckin with this email shyt and that u feel like a Zombie y  no se que mas. but i knw u dont mean it like that. Jus me thinkin a lot :) Mira chula, i dont want u feelin this way, i want u when i come home, jus a few months away lil mama, hang in there with me aight. thangs are gonna get better, the sun will always shine, we'll see that 2gether soon enuff, i jus want u to knw that i love you, ur the one still ma, aint nobody in my circle but Familia and ya'll, thats my circle. Be happy ma, dont sweat the little stuff ma, worry when thangs really fall apart. nada has fallin apart on my behalf, but this chocolate chip cookie im eatin right now:) bueno pues chula, pronto te marco ok, besos amr. saludame a todos y let me know when Lise gets her card aight, dale un beso de mi parte, AMR.