Saturday, November 15, 2014

Against the Ropes

I've been caught up in a wrestling match between God himself and the World. He tells me what I need to hear while the World sets me up to fail. I can hear him in my conscience guiding me to make the right choice but just when I'm ready to listen, the World comes in and blocks my vision. I know what God wants me to do but I can't help but to dispute his decision. I know better than to question his plans and take matters into my own hands. I trust that what God wants is what I should want too but the World is a constant reminder of the turmoils I've been through. I can still feel the pull of the World wanting me to make my own decisions but God tugs at my heart to just listen. He is begging me to take his word serious and trust in his divine plan for my existence. I'm torn between right and wrong, forgetting and forgiveness. The advice I've been given is to leave the situation alone and let it go. What is meant to be will naturally unfold. Somehow, even though it sounds so simple I am still struggling with my own worldly indecision. What I know and how I feel are conflicting. It is my worldly instincts not to be willing to let go of a situation when I had no control to begin with. It doesn't seem fair to let things go when I keep getting hit with these knock out blows. The things that occur in this World, we can not control. I get it. But how can you tell me to just let go and forget it when there are consequences that go along with every decision. If I give in and let God in the ring I will have to sit back and let him win my battles for me. If I let the World in the ring I will have to fight for what I believe is right. I'm torn between the World and God. Torn between right and wrong. Torn between my head and heart. Unsure of who I'm rooting for, I'm looking in from outside the door and I can't believe this is really even happening. But, I'm still stuck in between God and The World and I can't tell who will win this round. I guess my only choice is to sit back and watch the match unfold and hope the end result doesn't leave me out cold. After all, God is the undefeated heavyweight champion of the universe so I'm sure he'll keep the belt. I just hope I'm conscience when they ding the final bell.   

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