Thursday, September 29, 2016

One of them days

If only this life wasn't so damn lonely.
If only.
If only this sadness wasn't so prevalent.
If only.
If only this heart of mine was a loaner, not my all the time ride.
If only.
If only this depression wasn't so familiar to me.
If only.
If only he hadn't been such a liar.
If only.
If only I could be given a do over.
If only.
If only at least one of them ever loved me.
If only.
If only I were still his, maybe we wouldn't have to feel like this.
If only.
If only this World weren't so full of hate.
If only.
If only this page could make a difference.
If only.
If only this song playin' wasn't so damn reminiscent.
If only.
If only this nightmare would end.
If only.
If only time were on my side.
If only.
If only money wasn't so damn hard to come by.
If only.
If only my tears counted for something.
If only.
If only I had the power to free all my homies.
If only.
If only this life wasn't so damn lonely maybe I wouldn't feel the need to write poems like these. 

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