Monday, January 8, 2018

Meant to Never Be

He's the only one who can make me smile from miles away. I know I shouldn't read so much into the signs but I do anyway. I'm convinced we're soulmates. Doomed to spend a lifetime apart. It's a tale more tragic than that of Romeo and Juliet. No other person has ever affected me this way. I don't even have to see his face to imagine his smile. It's etched in the photographs of my memories now. I wish I could sleep nestled in the curve of his neck. I miss his scent. The way his perfect finger tips graze my soft skin. Feeling his strength pressed up against his chest, engulfed in his biceps. When something is as real as this it never fades. It won't ever die. From his end of the World all the way to heaven, I will be waiting. When my love for him is so vast no one else will ever compare. From my heart to his, the love will endure. I don't understand how it happened. I just know I can't deny my feelings. I have such an innate sense for him. He lives inside of my heart and he won't move out. I won't apologize for invading his head. We both ignore the eviction notices. We stay so far apart because what ever we share is just too strong for either one of us to resist. It's dangerous. We keep in touch in our dreams instead. It's much safer that way. I stay on his mind and he on mine. I won't ever vacate his heart. My instincts tell me that he's not done yet and neither am I. For now we stay connected through endless tracks, I call it the playlist of our lives. It's a beautiful reminder that I am his and he is mine. There is no amount of time, no measure of distance, and not another human being that can come between us. There is a fire that I kindled inside of his soul and he fans the flames to keep it alive. He makes sure I know how he feels with cryptic messages that only I can interpret. Sometimes the best things in life were meant to remain secret. Did you really think we would both just forget? No matter what happens from here on out, I know we have a part of each other's hearts. We exchanged them one night while we were making out in the dark. We may not ever be able to touch again but no one can change that we already did. It doesn't make a difference if we don't spend time together now because we thoroughly enjoyed the time we had. If we never speak again no one can change the things we've already said. For as long as we both live what ever we share is ours and no one else is privy to what belongs to us. He and I, meant to never be. Pissing on your fairy tale ending.      

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