Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Atl Shawty

So Baby-D rented a truck, packed up his belongings, hitched up his lil hatchie and took off. No good byes. No tears. He was looking for a fight but all he got was dueces. Part of me feels bad. Some piece of me is sad. I hope he makes it safely. But all in all I have to say a weight has been lifted. I'm weighed down enough already so I'm happy he went somewhere where he will be taken care of and hopefully finds happiness. The sadness will pass. The loneliness will get easier to handle. And I know I can always count on my kids to stay distracted. Good luck and God bless us both Momma and Poppa Swan and all our little cygnets. I'm at peace with this decision. I pray you are too. It's back to the A Shawty! Take care!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ooooh she mad

Oh boo fuckin hoo, poor stupid ass You. Ain't it a damn shame when you feel so mundane because you ain't got him locked up on his leash and chain. Don't you know that dog is on the prowl when ever You ain't around? Things will NEVER change. Man You need a slap to the face to snap your happy ass out of whatever delusional dream you think is taking place. Let me remind you that you're still watching the previews. So get some popcorn and a slurpie and grab some tissues. Sit back and relax and wait for the real show to begin.You think you got miles on me but you're a pre-owned automatic SUV. I bet that's why you mad at me because I'm the Standard classic 5-speed. You need to Stop trying to keep up with me. Its an impossibility. I'm better than You. Plain and... Oooh there's that lovely word again, Simple. So she thinks I'm sweatin her new/used old hunk of junk but I can have "your" man IF I want. You will never know what we do ever again. I made it perfectly clear to You before and won't ever try to help you out again. If you are stupid enough to stay. Burger King! Have it your way. You will see some day he's a liar and cheater on your own probably after a few kids and a home. If You like to live like an animal on a leash that is A-Ok with me because I personally enjoy being free. You are submissive and give a bad name to ALL females because you won't listen. You'll play his little games. You'll let him walk out that door, go fuck a "Whore", then come walking right back through that door and give You a big wet kiss. So All of your feeble attempts to stab me are humorous. WE ALL look at your stupid feed because we laugh so hard at You that we Pee! You are ugly. You are a disgrace. What's that on your face? You are the typical side line. Everyone saw your nasty hole. Ewwwww gross! I'm done. Get a life for your cunt. Mine is satisfied and I'm glad he's yours and I'm happy he's leaving to be with You. If I were you I'd ask him for a DNA test for that baby girl too. Take a hint and leave me the fuck alone. There's nothing more to see here. You already know what it is so what is it You are looking for? He's YOURS. It's not my fault if he doesn't stay. Maybe You should shave... Behave.

Silly simple bitch

In no way am I knocking the "simple girl". Don't get it twisted. I my self am a simple girl but am creative in my simplicity. Its how you use your simplicities that makes the difference. Some girls are just silly simple bitches. These types of girls can easily be identified. They are usually pretty but not beautiful. They are smart but not intellectual. They are funny but not very charismatic. They are polite but have no manners. They are the type of girl that will fuck a dude they want regardless of his situation. They thrive on making home wrecking a habit. They'll lie to make themselves look better instead of owning and embracing their mistakes and natural flaws. I use the term silly because it is these silly little girls who think with their emotions instead of their adult logic. They use excuses for silly things. They try to turn one situation into something else. They'll manipulate and twist their own or some one else's words to better their own predicament. A silly simple bitch will do or say anything to have her way. Simple. A term used loosely to represent plain or casual. A term i normally would not associate with something negative. I am a firm believer that less is more and simple is a term I would normally use to describe an outfit. When used in this context however, simple is not good. A silly simple bitch is all the worst types of simple. She'll half do her make-up. Leave her hair undone. Take photos of the exact same pose wearing the exact same outfit with the exact same caption. She's loud and ignorant. She tries way too hard to impress people. She tries to impress unimpressionable people. She is messy. She is obnoxious. She has no personal style. She copies others. She doesn't make sense. She worries too much of what or how others perceive her. She is not comfortable in her own skin and probably worst of all will not speak up for herself and never trusts her instincts. She is a silly simple bitch because instead of focusing on herself and bettering her own life she is preoccupied with sabotaging the lives and happiness of others and for that reason loses focus on herself. A woman's biggest mistake. If this sounds like you maybe it's time for a make over. Start with a central focus. Wise up or shut up!

Friday, October 19, 2012

He won't get it.

I guess you will never understand how special you were to me. You were that one person that could never do wrong. I could never stay mad at you. You were the One and Only man I'd leave who I was with for. I used to put you first and would come running for you. Call me now and see if that's still true. Ask me for a favor and see if I help you. Tell me you're hungry and see if I feed you. Say you're broke to see if I offer you money. You won't. Because you know it's over. You aren't that one special guy anymore. But that's not the saddest part. I'm beginning to believe you never were.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Just another Baby Momma Part II

When does this feeling die? Does it ever go away? Can't we just let shit lay? I miss the hell outta you but not like this. We're not even speaking but at who's expense? I can't just remove you from my life as easy as it should be. The other day I had such a beautiful dream. Do you remember the night we talked for hours on the floor of my new apt.? I had an angel in my belly then. That is the night I fell in love. Sometimes I wish we had never met and that we could take it all back. Maybe then we could be friends again? Were we ever deserving of one another? I feel like I drowned you and in the end you smothered me. We killed each other, came back from the dead then shot ourselves in the head, and died again. Does it ever end? People say that knowledge is power but it killed us both. We still have ill feelings trapped in a box, wrapped up, duct tapped and super glued shut in the pit of our very existences. But I don't hate you, dislike you or despise you. You're mine even still, ill-willed but you still love me and I you. So I pose this question again, When does this feeling end? Will it ever go away? Fade like dye? I'll try to wash it out and I'm sure you will too. The funny thing though is even after all of this I'm still the one. It's not literal, maybe metaphoric but you slay me, have my blood on your hands and pants, stained like the dye of my life. I just died again. Join me? Naw, who am kidding? You're no Romeo. Now we're just two living-dead zombified excuses for humans. So now what? Not much. Just feels like we've both been punched in the gut, kicked in the side, given two black and blue eyes, and a big fat split lip. Well maybe not you, I can only speak for myself and I feel like hell. I'm letting it burn and it fuckin burns bad, red hot, like a poker from a bonfire in the sand. Im tired. I miss you but why? I let go, lost you, you're gone and I stand here all alone. Always alone, forever is unknown. The merry-go-round has left the ground like a flying saucer spinning through the air. I can't hold on forever and neither can you so what should we do? This carnival ride probably won't ever stop so we're going to have to jump off. Hopefully it'll stop before we get brave and actually jump. Maybe this time we'll survive, help the other up, look back, and laugh. Why can't it be that easy? I'd much rather laugh and have fun than stare down the barrel of a gun or point one in the opposite direction in the face of a person I love. What do you see when you look at your reflection? Isn't it easier to be nice because it flows naturally out of your soul? Bein mean and nasty is the last thing that either of us wants. So why can't we stop? Just stop! Let's swallow our pride like a couple of shots, put one in the air to forget our despair, shake hands and perhaps share a hug, turn around and chunk the deuces up. Maybe then we'll see each other again, become friends and let a better cycle begin.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What she don't know won't kill her

I know a man whose philosophy stands. What a woman doesn't know can't hurt her. Wrong. This applies sometimes but most of even sometimes she already knows the truth. She knows. My issue really isn't whether or not she knows or what she does and doesn't know about me and my relationships. My issue is that he gets to keep secrets. The things that go on between us she will never know. She will only ever know what he tells her. His and her truth. Which to them both is real. Concrete. I know because its that same concrete wall made of lies and bullshit that has crumbled beneath my feet. I managed to knock down his wall of deceit to discover my own truth. So I now stand alone on this pile of rubble and dust. I've mustered up the courage to stand up and confront all the broken lies. Our entire past is a lie. He was never all mine. Never. I was just the one he kept coming back to. Now when he turns around to lean on my back he will fall flat because I'm leaving and not looking back. I'm tired of him breaking me. I'm looking into a new career. So I'm handing her the responsibility of taking care over where I left off. More like training a feral dog. He knows he has a home but he prefers the freedom to roam. I'd love to be the one to break it to her she's the ultimate rebound but since she's stuck around hopes for a grounded relationship. It looks pathetic. On his and her part. She's a known hoe and he's a cheater. What's worse is she is believing everything he tells her. She has this false perception of their relationship which is tragic. It's one way when we are together and different when he's with her. It's one way when he's with her but doesn't change when he's with me. She'll never get it. She'll always try to achieve what we share and become dissatisfied when he's not giving her everything she deserves. I know because I never got it and because he's still here I know you won't ever either.