I've always said I do it because I can. I'll never try to understand any other motive to stop besides I can't. Words never uttered unless you're a quitter. Fight or flight and you're the picker. So you thought I ran out of things to say? Well guess again.Wrong my friend. I just took a break from the nonchalant way you hide from the truth. It still disgusts me the disguise you assume. I'll stop prying for the truth because it is now buried six feet deep along with the real you. You spoke so valiantly before and now all I know is you went ghost because your fate fell reality into my words. I told you so but you didn't care to listen to an expert on the situation. Now you're alone. You look stupid and probably feel even worse but I nor he or the World will ever know. You hide it away and keep it to yourself. Sit alone and think and shrug off all of those pitiful things you wish now you could change. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for you, You cant change shit and things will remain one way, the same. He was never yours to claim and now you are proud hiding out in your shame because the very same things I said are the exact same things he did. Go re-read it. You pretend like it doesn't bug you that I was right all along and now you're alone or with someone else already when we all know whose flag is flying South of that city. Aesthetics are a bitch if you don't plan ahead because seasons change and now you need to change the color of your drapes or hire someone to landscape. If you would have just paid attention to the latter and took the advice that was splattered all over the walls for you by a pro, we wouldn't be revisiting this matter but you successfully turned one disaster into an even bigger demolition. You should have heeded the warning signs that were flashing red like the color of that little dot on your forehead. BANG Bitch!!! Now you're dead and didn't even see it coming from directly in your line of sight. You were so blinded by his light that you completely let your measly guard down. RIP to those thoughts you thought about how ONLY you thought this shit would turn out. Because now that you're deceased from life you'll have plenty of time to rethink what you did wrong. You were given your proper burial and have currently been replaced. Don't lay your head in disgrace because it was inevitable for you to find your final resting place away from the living. Now maybe in the after life you'll give up that life and stop sinning. Try starting a new beginning. Just think of the possibilities of a brand new cover up for all your past life's fuck ups. Welcome to the game your quality control inspection was rejected! Ehhhh!!! Try again some other day when you start living and stop living dead. It'll be right here for you in case you need to read it again. I will always win. I get my last word in. The end!
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