Saturday, February 9, 2013

Maps Inside my Mind

This distance got me wishing things could have been different. I wish time travel existed so I could go back in time to right a few wrongs of mine. I haven't been feeling like myself lately, so who does that make me? If finding yourself is life's quest I'll be searching for the rest of mine. If finding love is life's big test then I suppose studying is what I should do next. If finding happiness is life's biggest gift I guess I'll spend the rest of forever waiting for it. I gave away many pieces of me along this road I've been traveling on. Now they are just old land marks of where I've been. Sometimes I wonder if any of them ever miss me. I hope they know I miss them, the way we used to be. Now I'm on this road alone and have come to far to back track.The maps inside my mind only lead me forward and don't allow me to look back. I'm steady trekking down this path remembering to look both ways before I cross the tracks. As I grasp my back pack straps, shrug and tug because they sit heavy on my shoulders. I look past the sunset and wipe away the sweat from my brow, looking down towards the ground and I wonder how much longer I have to go? How will I know when I reach my destination? I lost the maps I once held as inspiration inside my hands and gave my only compass to a less fortunate man. So now as I continue this journey alone I am relying on the maps inside my mind to guide me safely home.

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