Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I somehow knew things would end like this again. The emphasis always being on the end. The outcome, like cloudy weather was never predicted to be sunny. It's no joke how unfunny the scenario is but you always did hide the hurt with humor. I thought that daddy dying hurt but have learned that living without him hurts so much worse. Now I understand why we live amongst so many addicts because people form these disgusting habits to dull the pain from having been through something so traumatic. My skin soaks up most of the salty tears before I can wipe them away. I guess I wouldn't have to tell you I'm sad today. It's hard to believe I felt I had nowhere to turn when I began this page, countless tears running down my face, now when I put down this pen and close this book you'd never know any of this by the way I look.

-PEACE- No More Hurting People. RIP Martin Richard

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