Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Today is a day like any other day. The sun rose, the alarm rang and on went the day. Work, eat and play. Sleep is to follow suit but gets tossed beneath the countless things to do. Today I was infinitely annoyed by work, money and little boys. I'm thankful to be off of work, I'm thankful I'm not forced to cook. I'll be thankful once I finish my book. I'm writing letters to all of you. If you've ever met me or will meet me soon, you will probably have a letter too. I have so many things to say that sometimes they get lost in the coming days. My way to save the things I think is to write them down in a book with ink. Regardless of what anyone thinks, this blog isn't everything. I have books and books and books galore written with words that come from my World. I push my pen into the soft clean page and let it rip like a chainsaw to a twig. I'll share them all with you someday but for now you just read what I thought about today.
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