Sunday, September 1, 2013


I can't pull together a single thought lately. You're running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Don't fall off and just become some dumb bum with no one to love. He put all his eggs in one basket and let her guard it with her heart. She did a great job but when she looked in the basket she realized the eggs were plastic. He had another basket with his real eggs on the other side of the hen house. He was busy playing house with plastic eggs and left his other chicks for dead. He got his little chicken neck chopped off. Now he's been chopped and screwed and chunked and stewed. He's done son. In the pig trough and turned into slop. Enough of no love. Lying is the matter. 90% of your personality magically appears out of thin air. You hold yourself so highly that you're running out of air. You fill your lungs with despair day and night. Out of mind is out of sight. You don't think about the way she lives her life. She don't bathe inside your light no more. She found her another place to call home. You live inside of a well, you'll never be able to climb out of your hole. You'll never break even. We'll never be even. Your thiefen cost us both but your lying cost you more than I think you know.Where memories are my friend they seem to be your foe. Where happiness is my focus you let sadness take control. Where I always take care of my responsibilities you cease to exist. Where my legacy will live on through my kids yours won't be re-lived. I'm not sorry things ended this way. It's only a matter of time before you realize you might be.

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