Thursday, January 2, 2014

Missing a d and a cover page

Drafts. I have nightmares about drafts. 1st drafts, 2nd drafts...rough drafts?? Or is it Outline, rough draft, 1st draft, 2nd draft, etc. ..? Eh who cares. I have a lot of words I never get to use. It drives me crazy thinking of "to-do's". The World doesn't function like a draft. There is no corrector pen or back space for a particular time or place. There is no over sized paper shredder to tear through the truth. There is no delete button for something's that are done and through. Mistakes will not erase themselves but repentance helps. Forgiveness helps feelings forth and evil runs it's course. It comes and goes like a virus but we become immune and fight it. Our faith is what keeps us alive. I can't go back to where I have once been and if I could ever get back there again what would I do different I suppose would be the proposed question I'd be facing. To rewrite history is unthinkable to me. I don't care to change the past but experience the moments that pass. I'm facing 12 to life. I might have found the stair well that leads to my life. I'm still climbing, writing, trying not to crash land while I'm flying, correcting my errors as I make them and leading by example that isn't even my own image of perfection. It's the best we've got. The important becomes thoughts and efforts and letters that make up the words that we will use when we put our plans to good use. What good is a plan if there hasn't been any for sight ahead or time spent organizing the details therein? In no time at all I will have it all and I will be the one consumed by four walls. Sometimes stories have misleading beginnings and sometimes they are slow to become interesting but the most glorious stories are ones of enduring. Endurance is the test of time. Endurance is what makes your mind. To endure is the ability to ask yourself if you can take another pelt. "Love is patient and love is kind." We have heard it a billion and one times. Truth never reigned so supreme in my eyes. There is no time limit on love. Once a spiritual connection is born it's hard to ignore. My drafts never had endings before. I never made it that far. As soon as I'd begin I was finished again. I never disliked writing anything I just never understood the purpose of so many entries. Why create an Outline when it will become a draft only to turn that draft into another draft only to create an entirely new Draft which is now called an "Essay" or Final draft??? Why so much work? Why put in so much time? Why give so much effort again and again for the exact same end??? If you really think about it. It makes perfect sense. You can't see the mistakes on the page until you've turned it in, even after an outline and 5 drafts. Why is that? Are we in it for a grade? Is it something more? What is the answer I am searching for? You don't get an A for your perfect grammar. And points are not deducted for your improper citations. I din't even run the spellcheck! ;j But what I get in the end of all of the essay madness is a sense of accomplishment. There is always an end. It's in your finger tips. My fingertips wish for a much different surface to caress. As for now I'll call this a hypothesis. I'll stay away from drafts for a minute.

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