Thursday, January 2, 2014


I wish I had more to say but things don't always turn out that way. I might tell you something's today that I'd never ever dare to speak to your face. The words from my mouth don't compare to the look in my eyes. If you saw me today it might make you sigh. We wonder why we are far apart when the truth rings out from our beating hearts. When love breeds from within us both, the words aren't what we are searching for anymore. I'm looking to feel your breath on my cheek. It was never the words but the feelings I seek. You're with me every day I just wish I could hear you say, "I love you" but not with any words or spoken breath but from the heartbeat I hear while I'm laying there on your chest. Soon is never soon enough when it comes to the person that you love. Don't take advantage of that warm breath upon your cheek and always cherish the "I love you's" you hear when their heart beats.

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