Thursday, January 30, 2014

Update 2014

Well, well, well. Evil forces are working hard to destroy me but God will not let me falter. I lost my job of 4 years last week and let me say it is the BEST thing that could've happened and the timing couldn't be any more impeccable. Not having a steady flow of income is a little unnerving but again with God's bright light shining the way I am not afraid. I know God is preparing me for bigger things to come and I am letting Jesus aboard my boat and he will guide us though the storm to the safe shores. I considered moving to Wisconsin to be with Toon but my gut is getting the better of me and I've decided to just stay put. I love Round Rock and the Fellowship way too much to leave. I have undeniable support in my family, friends and church. So, even though I am jobless, I am not faithless. I have the utmost faith in God that he will open an even better door for me than anything MRC could ever offer me and my family. My kids are healthy and happy. I am healthy and capable. With the financial struggles I am facing I will only become stronger once they've been conquered. Toon is coming out in July. The kids will be in Ga and hopefully I can take some time off to be with the love of my life and figure out a plan of action. I know he's going to be a little upset that I'm not relocating to the mid-west but it just makes more sense to stay put and let him join us here in Texas when he's ready and able. I'd rather visit the mid-west than live there anyway. I can't leave Texas, it was hard enough leaving H-town. So right now I'm focused on my Spring Break vacation to Kentucky and then Georgia. It's been 8 years since Toon and I last saw each other and this will be the first time meeting my youngest 3. After visiting him we will stay a week and a half in Ga with my sister in law and will get to spend time with my big brother and my little cousin. I can't wait. We are going to have a blast and best of all I finally get to see my love. I haven't given up yet. It will take a whole helluva lot more to stop me then a little lay off. Life is great. God is so good to me and my family and he will continue to bless me as long as I continue to surrender my life to his glory. I'm good. Never been better. How bout you? ;) XOXO's from your XOXO Supplier. Happy V-Day lovers! Spring Break 2014 here we come! 5 more weeks to go.

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