Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fast Forward

I'm on my very last one, I'm hoping it's a strong one. Blowing the tip of my smoking gun. The damage has been done but no one was home went the bomb was blown. So does the blow count? I left glass in my path but no one decided to follow so there will be no blood tracks tomorrow. No tears to shed here, no casualties to spread here. No death here. Of all places to fall in love, a hopeless one seems wrong. I'd never admit sorrow into life. I'm more going off flying high and feeling light. I want happiness to prevail in mine. I cant wait to dine across from his handsome smile. I watch the months spoil into nothing. Once one thing happens its on to the next thing, then again, nothing. Life is to be left on play and when we try to pause it too many days, we start to become replays. I'm not much for reruns, I'd rather watch live to catch the emotions in his eyes. I'm so tired but I can't quit. I'm lovesick with a glamorous habit. He's my ice, my hit, the cure to my itch. Life ain't sh*t when he ain't in it. I'm tired but I won't quit. I don't plan on losing this win, it's been written. I'm only writing because I'd rather be kissing. I'm missing. Don't come lookin'. Don't come knockin'. Don't interrupt me I'm counting. Stacking up and counting down. Life is on it's way from upside down. The Earth is shifting, are ya'll ready, this sh*t is about to get heavy? What will you do when the lights go off? Do you have a plan to lead you out of the dark? Neither do I but I know who is listening. I'll know where to turn when we all come up missing. The one thing I'll pray for is for those I love to start listening. Stop, look and listen. I've started yet another mission. This one I think might last forever, until the day we're laying together, until death do us part type of weather, until God calls us forward. I'm tired. I'm cold. I'm bored. Baybee please hit fast forward.

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