Monday, September 1, 2014

Love on Lock

She grits her teeth to bear the pain. It never dulls, never ends. The struggle is real for them every day. After long, attempts to entertain become dull; mundane. Staring in the face of Father time makes them both feel small. He is in the dark behind the wall. She is unaware of his struggles and he of hers though they both give their all. She tries coming up with new ways to help him see that he is hers and she is his. Can their faith travel the distance? Can their love survive prison? What other words can be used to describe the love that hides between the lines? What will they do when efforts no longer prove the love they feel is true? She can't convince him with her eyes. He can't convince her with his smile. She is left with no other choice but to use her words without actually using her voice. He is left without knowing what another day brings. With his time winding down fast she doesn't have much left to say. With his love locked down she doesn't have any other way. They have no face to face, no secure embrace, no lip to cheek, no way to speak. All of his doubts manifest from thin air and when he starts doubting her she begins not to care. It's a back and forth she is ready to quit, a scratch she can't quite itch, an unhealthy habit she is ready to ditch. Though he offers her reassurance and support she thinks he doesn't fully comprehend that for her he is it. She is constantly questioning if he will ever fully get it. She doesn't feel like he is all the way committed. Building a relationship out of words is like building a castle on a cloud. The concept seems so perfect now but how will it all play out? How far are they willing to go for the other? How many miles will they traverse? How many minutes will they sacrifice? What happens once the gate closes behind him? Will she be there waiting to find him? Will she have the key to unlock the cage he has built around his heart? Will she be strong enough to unlock his love? Will he be ready to open up? They've got their love on lock for now. They're just waiting for the clock to run down.

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