Monday, September 1, 2014

Cool, Calm and Collected

I believe that if you have something to say you should just say it. Why delay it? Why keep your feelings all bottled up, why not just spray it? Why save them for later? Why leave it for another day? Feelings have many forms like water. If you drop them on the hot concrete they'll evaporate and travel back up into the atmosphere. If you leave them in the freezer they'll turn into a hard block of ice. If you leave the faucet running they will overflow and flood your life. The point is that feelings will change after a matter of time. Nothing ever stays the same with space and time. You might go through something that makes you mad but the next day it may get better. Maybe today someone said something that made you sad but tomorrow you'll hear something that makes it better. Every second of everyday is a new opportunity to feel a new way. We have the power to control our feelings and emotions but sometimes we don't always take the proper time to develop the proper potions. Instead we let our feelings stir our hearts and our whites get mixed with the dark. We are under too much pressure to make the right choices. It's not every day you come across the answers laid out for you. Each day we should start a new. Regenerate, refresh, renew. We are given the power to rewrite mistakes we've made and redirect our feelings away from negative things we been through. If in your mind you have things to say you should let them out. Let them spill from your head like water from behind a dam. Don't bottle up and prepackage what you're feeling for another day. Open the valve and let it come pouring out. If you have something to say just say it. 

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