Sunday, November 30, 2014

Here we go again!

Once upon a time it was here we go again. Way back then when all we knew was sin. The same mistakes made again and again. Tit for tat type of lifestyle we were livin in. I can't imagine my own children doing some of the same things I did. My way of thinking was twisted from the beginning. I had no idea what it was to count my blessings or anything about repenting. I didn't know what I could inherit in exchange for my soul. I wasn't aware that God opens his hands to those who are lost and are looking for a way out. That all we have to do is reach up and cry out, run into his open arms and let go of every doubt. When you harbor anger in your heart it makes it impossible for God to recognize your shouts. God will not reside in or near the presence of hatred and anger. If you have hate in your heart God will not hear you out. Unless you're willing to be saved and give your life to Christ you will see no positive changes in your life. It becomes exhausting seeing the same things over and over again. Do not be deceived; God is not mocked. He can't see you unless you've accepted Jesus into your heart. He can't help you if you continue to shut him out. You and you alone must hold accountability for what comes out of your mouth, your actions and whereabouts. Living in the flesh you will reap what you sow. He who is without sin cast the 1st stone. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Love everyone as you love your self. When you see those in need offer them help. Life is what you make of it and everyday you have choices you're faced with. You can say yes to the flesh or follow the holy spirit, try and make your own path or continue seeking his promise. I need God by my side every day of my life to continue to guide me through my daily battle between wrong and right. What God offers us is real, don't miss your opportunity to face what you feel. Everybody has a choice. Here we go again. Our choice is clear, start choosing right or continue to live in sin.

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