Monday, December 15, 2014

The Plot Thickens

When you don't see eye to eye with someone it's hard to comprehend their logic. Wanting to see it from their point of view and accepting their point of view are two very different things. Disagreements occur and there are two options, disagree or compromise. When a compromise cannot be reached, the only option left is to remain in disagreement. Well, Im tired of being in constant disagreement and I will no longer offer up any more compromises. I have been patient enough and now it's no more Mrs. Nice Molasses. It will be my way or no way. I have total control and you have none. I run the show, you just sit back and watch the plot unfold. Im sick and tired of being misunderstood. The things I say and the way I explain you take, turn and twist into something I never meant. I won't have one more word spoken for me without my permission. Basically put, Stop putting words in my mouth. When I choose my words, I choose them wisely so they should not be twisted or manipulated to mean something sideways. My story has never changed but you can't seem to keep the facts straight. There is no comparison between my situation and yours. Stop assuming how I feel because truly you have no idea. My relationship pertains to me and my family and has nothing to do with the disagreements trending. The reasons behind my feelings are warranted, which you would happily disagree with, and thats fine but stop wasting my time with your puny assumptions. The way you see things playing out are far from what will really go down. We will never agree on anything, not the past and certainly not the future. I disagree with your logic and everything you say. I disagree with your warped way of thinking and the lies you spray. You see things your way and I see them mine I have no more time to waste trying to decide who is wrong or who is right. The plan from my side is this... oh but you'll never know. I guess you'll just have to go with the flow. Do as you're told, sit back and watch the plot unfold. 

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