Tuesday, February 24, 2015

5 to life

I never even knew I was committin a crime until I found myself facing 5 to life. I said, "I'll kill you with my heart and love you to death" but I guess he didn't take me serious. I was armed and dangerous and didn't even know the damage I would cause with just one blow. I thought I warned him before it ever got too deep that I was packin some serious heat. He came with me anyway despite the warning signs to stay away. I guess the danger attracted him in some way. When he got too close I struck and he became tangled in my love and it constricted him and cut circulation of his blood. After that savage attack he learned to stay back but he just couldn't quit. He was addicted before he ever felt the full effect and every time it wore off he would come runnin back. Now I've created an addict, a monster in his own right. The more I pushed him away the more he put up a fight. He was in too deep, he got too close to the heat. My love was just too much for him to handle. It consumed and overwhelmed him at every angle. I could argue it was all self defense but the evidence was damagin. My heart became exhibit A in my own murder case. The proof was blatant and I couldn't escape the truth starin me directly in the face. What have I done? Where did I go wrong? Why do I have to love so damn hard? My heart is a deadly weapon and it discharged. Now I'm rottin in a cell waitin on my sentence. The judge said 5 to life for committin the ultimate offense. I admitted to the crime and now I have to face the time. I have no regrets. I've said it once and I'll say it again. I'll kill you with my heart and love you to death.

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