Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I HIT 5000 VIEWS!!!

5,000 views today!! I finally hit 5,000 views and I have no words.. but this is a blog so I have to come up with somethin. :p hehe. First I believe thanks are in order. To my followers and avid readers I want to Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking out time to stop and check me out. I know that there are also people out there who have read through these blogs who don't even like me or the things I have to say and yet they come by and give me views all the time. So shout outs to anyone and everyone who has ever read, liked and/or commented on these crazy blogs. Writing is my passion. It is my therapy. It is my life. I am writing. My next book will be out at some point either this year or the beginning of next so be on the look out. When it comes out I'll try and do a two for one type deal with it and my 1st book, "Short Stories & Poetry Worth a Dime". I am grateful that God gave me my gift and I'll continue to write until my days are done. Blessings to ALL you folks! I'll keep writing and you keep the views comin! Lets turn 5,000 into 10,000! Here is to another 3 years and 5,000 more views! I love it! Loves n Kisses from your local XOXO Supplier. If you have any blog ideas shoot me an email and I'll see what I can do. txmolasses@att.net Peace, bliss and loveliness to you all!! Thank you for your interest it is my spark! 

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