Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Here's to the end

Her heart says sorry she ever let you in. She can't repair the damaged shell she dwells in. She only blames you for the pain from the memories that remain. She tries to forget but the pictures tell it different. Those smiles weren't fake, the conversations weren't fabricated, and the nights were fun. We all had the same favorite song. Dancing and laughing lingers in her thoughts. She can't help but to wonder where you are. How have you been? What have you done? Were there moments when you too had some of those thoughts? If not. Who cares? She still cares a little but if she saw you today you'd probably clash because she would feed off of your negative a$$. Why can't past be past? Maybe because you never discussed it at last but left it sitting like sour milk in a glass. It was never aired out, it just rotted away and died out. You probably don't know but she's cried it all out. Yea, to some of you that makes you feel good and proud. Seeing pain on her gives you a sense of relief. That right there is another reason you didn't try turning couldn't into could. You could never feel genuinely happy for what she had goin on. It makes her wonder what you were focusing on. Either way it did not end amicably and for that she don't like you nor me. She still thinks about it and it still isn't resolved. Will we ever get a chance to put it on the shelf? Will she ever be delighted to see your face again? How do you feel about the way it ended? Were you fine with what the friendship defined? Do you think you were the best friend you could have been at the time? Do you feel anything at all? She will always wonder what became of you. She will never rid herself of her memorabilia of your truth. She concludes with this. She misses every last drop of your goodness so don't deny yourself the urge to reminisce. It's Peace, Bliss and Loveliness. 

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