Monday, February 2, 2015

Moving On

The conversation today went great. A weight has been lifted that I feel I've had for what seems like ages. After all of my contemplation I was given a mirror with which I was desperate to see the reflection. A few burning questions were revealed from beneath the steam. I am finally able to replace the pain and guilt in my chest with breath. I am once again free to live my life. I can move past the past and let go of the strife. I can wipe away the dirt and grime and start with a clean slate. I will grab onto the baton and finish the race. No matter the outcome I know I come in 1st place. I am at peace. I have a new found will. I've been given a new lease. I'm ready to move in, move forward and begin again. The best things in life are made from scratch, built from the ground up and not easy to mimic or match. Life is a continuation of time but I am beginning to discover that my life is a continuation of light. Through the daily battle between wrong and right I have found the darkness is always stomped out by the light. At one point I was ready to give up and give in to the dark side but God reminded me that he is with me and renewed my fight. Now I can never turn back to that life. I have no time to slack. I've learned to think before I react. I have to be a role model for five souls. Can I take on the task? Am I prepared for that? I need you God to continue to guide us along this path. I won't move without you and I know now what it is I am meant to do. I understand my purpose in this world. I am yours. I know your plan for us is unthinkable, unimaginable, irrefutably the best way possible. I ask you lord to guard my soul. Keep me rooted in my faith and knowing that you will never turn me away. I am full when I eat your fruits, consume your word and share my knowledge with my children so that they too may be full in their spirits. You have given me all I can account for and I am eternally grateful for your son Jesus and the sacrifice he made for my sins. I would be lost in this life without knowing that truth Lord. So thank you. I will fail without you God. Let my life be a testimony to those struggling that even the lost have a way. Anything can be done through faith. I am here to forever serve you and play my role as a soldier of the light. I will fight for what I believe is right. I won't lose sight. I will never stomp out the light. God is the way and with his grace we will live to write another line, smile another smile, breathe another breath, turn another page, live another day. Life is this amazing gift. Embrace it. 


  1. all lies bitch, but whatever makes you sleep at night. DIRTY ASS GIRL

    1. your gonna call someone a dirty ass girl and comment about sleeping at night apparently you have nothing better to do then to read her stuff at 11pm. Which means your not sleeping very well... Hmmm So much to say behind a computer.
