Monday, September 28, 2015

I'm sorry I was away

I'm back my friends. I'm so sorry I left you guessing. I had to organize my disorder. I was only away but not gone forever. I'd never really leave you I hope you know that. This forum is all I have left. I have no more social media outlets. No more Fakebook, Thank God. That one I won't miss at all. No more vines, snaps or insta moments to depict. Eh. Its all filtered falseness anyway. Diluted reality really. The one I will miss is my beloved Twitt. Now that one hits. Blows. Thrown away after so long. But you know what they say. You don't really know what you have until it's gone. I have given up so much that now I can appreciate this blog the most. I can deal with living as a social media ghost because at least I know my words, my powerful words will linger here. Keep my legend going strong. Carrying on. No one will take this away from me. I am a spout spraying my thoughts for free. No more worrying about who is looking, liking, commenting, following, stalking, talking. Now all you have to go by is this blog, my thoughts, my reality, my truths. Read all about my life starring me. Eat my dust, take the back seat. Choke on every word you read. I still won and you still lost. I'm currently in my rightful spot. I know you feel lost without me but I'm right here. Even though I've been away I'm still here and I ain't going nowhere. Pull up a seat. They can't defeat Lindsey. You really thought a few obstacles would impair me? Hahaha, Nah, I'm cool. God is still in my corner, he never left, even when I fell, faltered and stepped away, he knew I would hold tight to my faith. God knows me, he needs no apologies. I have my health and been eating good. My babies are happy as can be. I have a decent job and we're settling into outter space nicely. It's about to become freezing cold but it's all good because now I have my strong handsome man to hold. We'll keep each other warm, weather whatever type of storm. My life is good. Everything is awright. I'm so sorry I was away living my real life but now I'm back and here to stay. If you don't like it you're wasting your time. I have this freedom to speak my mind. Those who support me you're building a dream. To anyone in between, Peace and Love as always, your memory's ghost aka TxMolasses with a side of TxToast Xoxoxozzz!!!

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