Monday, March 20, 2017

Never Mined

She never could've imagined someone like him would give her his time. He paid attention, took note, tested the waters then dove in. She knew who he could be from the beginning. He radiated a special kind of energy. He noticed her too but not in that way at first. It took months for them to realize they were on the same page. Now they are both in a trance, dancing in the shadows. Swimming in shark-infested waters, bleeding for one another. They are fiends for the other's flesh. They question if it is possible for two souls to have met in the past. They are unequivocally connected, intertwined beyond any form of measure. He craves her and she him. Every second spent apart is harder to bear than the last. She falls asleep with his face in her head and wakes with his smile on her mind. Time doesn't exist when they are together and when they leave one another they spend their time counting down the seconds until they again will be next to each other. It's an insatiable yearning neither can quench at the moment and possibly for the rest of all time. For my sunshine. I have fallen into an abyss of intestine knotting bliss where only the flutterflies can live. If this is trouble, count me in. Can't wait for you to hold me again. xx

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