Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wishful Thinking

Hangin' on every word you say like if I let go I'ma fall on my face as if I forgot to tie my shoelace. Sinister images flash in my head of someone else in your bed, kissing your forehead and make me wish I were the victim of some heinous crime that ended in my bloodshed. I can't face the facts or put the pieces back like a detective who fell off the wagon into a bottle of Jack. Thoughts of you invade me like a Macy's day parade takes over the city and I can't escape the commotion no matter which direction I go in. Your face is like the searing sun that leaves me sunburned and blind because I can't turn my cheek when I see you passin' by. Your love is like venom in my bloodstream and no amount of anti-venom is going to help me survive your fatal bite and slowly I will die from the pain your poison has spread throughout my helpless veins. I've been living in a nightmare like a Freddy Kruger movie on replay that never plays all the way through to the ending leaving me winded because I can't catch my breath from the constant runnin'. I can't take much more of this but when will it end? I go to sleep every night with the hopes that when I wake everything will be alright then the next day my focus once again is tarnished with your presence. I get lost in the lyrics of the songs you sent me like I was blindfolded, spun around ten times and let loose in a labyrinth of haze. Why did you do and say and treat and kiss and touch and watch and stay and sleep and send and hold and want and be when all you bet on was to leave me? Now I'm sleepy like I took one too many and all I want is for you to say you like me so much and you can't wait to hold me again because it's what you really want but I know that's wishful thinking and I know I was dreaming because I just woke up.

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