Saturday, January 20, 2018

Strangers in the same Bed

You used to look at her that way too. When things were good. Remember when she used to trust you? Now she questions every little thing you do. You used to be able to sit in each other's presence, comfortably, in lovely vibes. Now it's just awkward silence between you most of the time. The attraction was magnetic at the beginning, even your friends could see it. Now those same friends just don't say anything to avoid the subject. You could hack the tension with a machete. Both of you questioning when things grew different. Things started to fall apart and you let temptation get the best of you. Her instincts told her the truth, you didn't have to. Now the ultimatums start flying around and your broken promises hit the ground. Nothing will ever be the same again. You tried going back to best friends. Tried mending the wounds with patches. She doesn't look at you the same way anymore. You try to reassure her that it was just the one time and you know it was a mistake. She wants so badly in her heart to believe what you say but actions speak louder than words. Moving past the transgression proves to be harder than you both thought. Walking on eggshells has become a painful norm. It makes you both wonder if all of the effort is worth it in the end. You both go on, living in the other's darkness, always together drifting farther and farther apart. Love conquers all after all. You both are under the impression that as long as there is love between you there is hope. You choose convenience over contentment and life goes on. You hide your disinterest in the depth of your hollow soul while she hides her brokenness deep in the part of her heart you will never go. You hide your hand and she does the same. Her arsenal of ammunition has grown overstocked over time. For the most part it stays quiet until one of you decides to break up the silence with a barrage of hurtful words that cut through the night sky like fireworks. You're both immune to the pain at this point. She's living in the consistency of your lies. There is no more fight in either one of you. Once the truth of infidelity breeches the surface and reaches the shore of emotion's ocean it's difficult to ever dive in so freely again and submerge yourself into the unknown of the others' true intentions. Decisions to mend the bridge or watch it burn the connection you once had with someone you've loved so hard for so long is a hard choice to make. Leaving everything you both invested your time and effort in is not always the right decision. Who needs security in the end? It's much more important for some people to live behind the facade that everything is just right. Happiness is overrated. Trust is not the foundation of everyone's relationship. Living with the truth is easy to do when you sleep back to back in bed with the same stranger every night. 

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