Friday, April 13, 2018

Embrace the Damage

I've learned to embrace my flaws one by one. Move on. Leave the brokenness in the trash with the ugly parts of the past. I've never been one to hold on to grudges. That's a sure way to suffer whiplash. Keeping tally marks of all the wrongs that have been done to me is a waste of precious energy. Time is of the essence. I've learned to use it to my advantage. People seem to want to forget about judgement. Pray daily. It's the only way to escape the insanity of this life. I've crashed and burned many times. I've suffered from countless scratches and dents. I've had my fair share of wear and tear along the years. My top coat is no longer in mint condition. I've learned to embrace the damage. Shiny things become dull. New things become old. Old friends find new pass times. Then we realize that time spent together was more valuable than we ever thought. I try not to get caught in that reminiscent ambiance too often. Memories always drift in an out like puffy white clouds. So real, you could reach out and touch a few. Our boundless minds have no filter that picks and chooses what moments it wants to go back to. Songs and sayings, colors and tastes, scents and random images can sweep us back in time to any place within our minds at any given time. We don't ever give enough credit to our Father above for the immaculate creatures we are and can become. Take time to Thank him for your story from time to time. You never know when the polish will wear off, and the clock will stop. When you may forget the names and faces you once knew most or what time spent with them meant. We entered this life alone and so shall we leave it. Take care to appreciate the tiny scratches and dents you've earned over time. Embrace the damage that you've endured. It proves your story true. Should you ever care to share it with me, I will be sure to embrace it too. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and fortunately for us, our creator creates nothing less than perfect. Flaws and all, you are loved.     

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