Monday, April 23, 2018

Gallop my Hallup

The beauty in today is that I can say whatever I'd like to say, to mean whatever I want to mean. I can say he loves me and you don't know who he is. I can say it felt so good and you won't know in what way. I can say I'm taking off and you can't know where I'm going or when. I can say I am finally finished and you wouldn't know how it ended or why. I say the things I like to say because it's my truth to know who and what and where and when and how and why. While all you're left with are endless ignored inquiries about the whereabouts of my life. Dead ends to your lies. Failed attempts of decoding our encrypted messages. If you could count all of the moments you spent in a pointless fight, you'd never catch your breath. While I basque in his light you hide in the dark. When we walk in you'll shield your eyes because we're much too bright. The way we smile is our delight. If I could put into these words what he means to me, you wouldn't be able to translate their meaning. I'm sailing off into the sunset with my best friend while you're fighting the current. The secrets we share are heaven sent. God has given us a covert mission. I trust you'd love to know but when we disappear with the moonlight, you'll be searching all of the places you've already looked. Love overcomes the sadness if you let it. Love sews up the rips and tears if you allow it. Love is there to listen if you'll hear it. Love is sweeter than dripping honey if you'll have it. Love is more satisfying than sex, drugs, power, and money. Love loves love. He takes me as I am. I see him for who he truly is. We were destined to be in this moment. He planned it. God took a deep breath in and out came today. What a beautiful blessing it is to know we were created in his image. You're perfect. Perfectly crafted for my love. A blessing from above. Take my hand. Let's run together until our mission is done. I will never let go until God calls us home. 

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