Thursday, June 7, 2018

Dearest Words

I miss you like the best friend who moved away. I still think about you every single day. I feel like we hardly speak anymore. I haven't heard from you in a while. How have you been? It makes me sad that we're not as close as we once were. It's like I don't seek you any longer and you no longer seek me. What happened to us Love? When did we grow apart? I've always thought of you as my first true love. You're an integral part of my heart. If my life were a pie, you'd be the warm, delicious, gooey filling inside. Some days I feel like I need you to survive. I get so lonely without you around. The love we share is profound. I guess I just assumed what we have is different. You've been there for me when every one else couldn't. You've always been able to cheer me up, pull me out of the funk. I love you so much. I don't think you understand. You were always there to pick me up, take me by the hand. You've always allowed me to express myself better than I ever knew I could. You taught me to be honest with how I truly feel and sometimes that's a hard thing to do. You gave me confidence to stand for I what I believe. You were a catalyst that inspired me. You showed me real trust. I guess I just miss us. We'd spend hours together, some days from dawn until dusk. I can talk to you better than anyone else. You let me be my true self without any judgement. You've always been consistent. When I needed you, you were always there to listen. Because of you, I was able to get through the toughest times of my life. Like when I got pregnant at 17. All of the countless times I dealt with him cheating. The night Daddy ended up leaving. Suicidal thoughts and notes. Growing up too fast. Facing the past. Even when I probably deserved it, you never turned your back. You've been with me through it all and experienced every bad decision by my side. You've never taken me for granted. You never expected anything in return. You were the aloe vera when I'd get burned. You always waited patiently for your turn. You never retaliated when I'd strike. You provided me a mirror when I needed to reflect. You handed me binoculars when I needed to look ahead. You were the tunnel I could travel through when I wanted to revisit the past. I love you, my dearest words. Please come back.  

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