Thursday, June 14, 2018

Time to Move

I can't get a tight enough grip. Just when I think my foothold is sturdy I slip. Life is one helluva trip. It's a wonder how we put up with it. All of the ups and downs and knock me to the grounds. Every time I get up someone knocks me out. Lights out! I can't catch my breath long enough to get my balance. It's like running a race I'll never finish. When does it end? All I see around me all the time is sin. Sin in the world. Sin in my friends. Sin in my soul. Sin in my kids. Jesus please come, make it all end. Everyone I know is suffering. It's painful to watch everyone you love hurt so much. I pray for us but when I wake up it seems to only get worse. What is my calling, my purpose? Someone is dying. Someone is sick. Someone is crying. Someone is calling for help. People are hungry. People are mad. People are desperate. It's all bad. The drugs. The crime. The death. The bloodshed. The filth that we live in is disgusting. Those who do good and follow your word are far outnumbered. Tell me what I can do to help? Show me the best route? Time is running out. I've lost too many loved ones, too many friends. With each passing day, someone's life ends. My days are numbered and falling like petals of a flower. The minutes are counting down on the clock by the hour. As much as I'd like to think I'm in control, I know you have total power. Lord take the reigns of our lives and bring us to a halt. You hold each one of my teardrops in your hands like grains of salt. I wish I could crawl up into your lap, snuggle close to your neck, close my eyes, and take a nap. There has to be a better way Jesus. I'm pleading for you to show us the way. When reading the bible, going to church, praying every day, fellowship, and loving everyone no longer works. Where do we turn? Most days I just want to give up. I love you but is it enough? I'm not doing anything to make things change. I don't think I'm big enough to stop the hate. My voice alone makes no difference on the other side of the World. I can't save those I love the most. I don't even know where to start. I want to share what's on my heart but I'm afraid I don't know how. I want to be able to overcome sin but it's all around. I feel helpless Jesus, I need you now.  

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