Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A dozen dreams

Climb out of my cool brain waves, wrap a towel around your waist, grab your shades, and catch some rays in the sun light on the shore of your mind. My muscles are sore and weak from carrying around the dead weight of your memory. It's like dragging dumbbells through the sand. I peel you away like velcro but you stay in place like the knot in my shoe lace while I'm winning this 5k race. Take my hand and lead me through the ghost town of our past, population 2; me and You. The desolate streets prove no one has been here in centuries and I get the uneasy feeling that we may possibly be trespassing. The cold air stings my cheeks and your warm breath is a tease. I see the silhouette of your jawline in the dim light and my breath catches like claws in my throat. My lips part ever so slightly and my tongue paints a coat of come close across my wanting lips. Your fingertips dance along my spine like tiny faeries doing somersaults, sprinkling magic dust as they go. I always get suspended in your gaze like the stars of a far away galaxy. There is no forward or backward when it comes to you. There is no time. No space. No place is safe. You pull me through the waves with ease and we tread along all seven seas like two mer-people in crystal blue fantasy ocean dreams. You find new ways to penetrate my tranquility and fumigate me out of my own peace. You suffocate my serenity with your toxic invisible, all consuming mist. There is no pesticide potent enough to eliminate your existence. You creep in and crawl on my skin, leaving tiny bite marks until I can't take the pain. Your venom enters my bloodstream and I am consumed by you, again and again. You leave me defenseless. You disarm me as if I were a one man army. You're arsenal is alarming. I am no match against your brute strength. I sold you a lie that I was strong enough to pass you by, until you called my bluff and proved me wrong. I thought I was done, that I'd had enough. Then you called and I picked up. I can't throw you out when you're tethered to my heart. I can't walk away if you're paving the path in front of me. I can't move if you won't let me through. I won't stop unless you do. You said I was dangerous. You called me trouble. Here, let me help you find your way out of the strike zone. Turn the key in the ignition, listen to the purring engine, flick on the headlights, and watch the shadows of my love for you fade like brake lights in the darkness of my mind. Not even a dozen delicate dreams measure up to to our renowned reverie. Like magnificent bursts of light on a 4th of July night, we made a beautiful sight, it flickered with life, and then it was gone. 

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