Friday, January 4, 2019


I turned to grab your hand but you were nowhere to be seen. I yelled your name but you never came. Was it me? That made you leave. Did you have somewhere more important to be? Why did you leave me? An explanation would've been nice. Instead you just disappeared into the night. I would ask you to come back but I know you won't. Wherever you've gone to, the life you have now is what you want. Some things just weren't meant to be. Now that you're gone you're all I ever think about. I want to call but I know I won't. Do you ever think of me? I wonder if you ever think about calling knowing you don't. I try all the time to pin point when things went wrong. At what point did I go left when you went right. You were there one moment, then you weren't. It's crazy how we don't see what someone means to us until they're gone. Your presence, your existence, your acceptance, your attention. You. I don't know where you are, or why you'd go but you're gone now. I don't anticipate your return. I will live missing you. I will block the cavern you left so no one can ever visit it again. That place in my heart no longer exists. Like you in my life, it's a myth. It's pointless to ask questions that will go answerless. It's pointless to care whether or not you know this but the truth is and will always remain, that I miss you so much. I just ignore the pain.  

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