Friday, January 4, 2019

Stop Lying

Love is a lie, unless you can get it to show you the truth. I don't want to love anymore unless I know it's real. I'm tired of giving my all and getting nothing in return. I don't care how selfish that sounds. Show me something worth fighting for. Give me something to live for. I need a love that wants to be here. Show me a love that never fails. Show me a love that wants to stick around. When you take the word away what does it all mean? Love is not a word, it's a feeling. I want to feel your love when you're not around. I want it to be strong enough to knock me down. Smother me and don't let me up. Just love. Fuck. It's not that hard but somehow it eludes me at every pass. I am tired of the short-term love, I want something to last. If love was really love, I wouldn't have to ask.

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