Friday, February 22, 2019

Worth waiting for

Like a wilted flower who has lost it's beauty, her head falls heavy, eyes to the floor. Oh, bittersweet words, what a vivid romance we have cultivated over the years. The story always the same. I seek you, never to be sought after. Just as I begin to fall, you're getting up to leave. None of them were ever what I needed as I would never become what he wanted. Change erases the ways that once were and the passing hours keep track of new moments like tick marks on the calendar. The sand dwindles in the hourglass and the sun sets as she waits, and waits, and waits for nothing to change. The embers from the fire singe her fingertips in the same way she always thought he would but that chance would never come. Now, nothing is the same. She knows not one truth. I'm only living to exist, existing to live. I've seen so many opportunities fall through the cracks and disappear. Now where does she go from here? What I want is not too much to ask. What I need I can't ever seem to catch. The secret to life is to be content with yourself. Everything else falls into place. I know I need growth. I know I crave to feel loved. I yearn to be desired. But no one ever wants. She quenches his thirst and my love is left to dry up like a puddle in the desert sun. Hope is a high better left untouched. Her life is an untapped source of love. Oh well. What's it all for anyhow? Delicate petals on the floor, beneath her bare foot as she cascades down the aisle. Someday. Whenever forever is no more and the days cease to come.      

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