Saturday, March 23, 2019

Turtles in the pond

With the pain comes the flood. It washes down until the boundaries won't hold. Then it all explodes. The pain flows like the rain. All of my dreams leak out of my brain, right down the drain, forgotten, never to be dreamt again. Do I try to forget? How long til I forgive? It's not fair to endure pain like this. Not over and over and over again. Sometimes when I walk around, I feel invisible somehow. Am I even still breathing? I can't tell if this is real or if I'm dreaming. Someone wake me from this aching. I'm losing. I'm fading. I'm one trip wire away from never waking. I'm done with the dead issues. Let's address something different. I am not at war with anyone anymore. I have called a peace treaty with those who no longer care to see or speak to me. You've been left behind for a reason. I'm changing with the seasons. I don't want to reflect on the past and keep looking back. I'm done with that. Do what you will. Just don't expect me to wait around. I am too quick to just be still. Mine will come. In time. I have learned how to be the catalyst. I spark a flame, then disappear with the smoke. I'm like a kite with no string, flying aimlessly in the wind. I'm the mist in the morning that can't be captured by the sun. I just hope you had fun. Now, if you'll politely excuse me, I've got to run.

               -love hard or don't love-

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