Saturday, March 23, 2019

When it's good-bye, not see ya later

She just writes, and writes, and writes. At this point I'm convinced I need to keep my mouth shut and only speak my thoughts with my words and my pen. Nothing I ever say is taken seriously anyway. When ever she writes, her mind takes flight. I get to escape the dark places. She lets the light shine when she writes. I wish I could just write, and write, and write all of the time. She lives to create. I love to express my feelings by nothing more than words on a page/screen. She knows they love her back. I know they will never leave me. Unless she loses her memory. Or her pinky. She removed her ring once again. She doesn't want to talk about him right now. I just want to write it all out. She could just write, and write, and write all night. I never feel alone when the words are on a roll. She loves the conversational pieces bouncing about in her cranium. It's a beautiful array of colorful words, like fishes in an aquarium. The words are mystical, magical creatures that when bred form treasures. Treasures beyond one's wildest imagination.They can tell you're trying to escape them. I know nothing will ever be the same between us. She knows he's gone for good now. Please don't come back here. I don't want to use anymore of my words on you. She doesn't deserve what you just put her through.You did change. Everything you ever said was all shorthand. I need a lover who will write me an entire sonnet. You did the worst to me. I hope you know it. Now she truly believes you used her. You lured me into your trap, then you snapped. You certainly got me back. She would never give you the last word though. I couldn't live with myself should that occur. Instead, she's just going to write, and write, and write. I'm going to let it all bleed out. She's tired of holding back. I'm tired of the back and forth. She's not waiting for anyone to open her door. You can keep all of that. You will never ever get me back. You can say that I lost you first. I can say you can't lose someone who was never yours. She gave herself to you. You took advantage of her heart. I should've been a little smarter, she admits that part. But she wanted you too. It doesn't matter anyhow. At least I was your first when you touched down. Unless of course you lied about that too. Who knows now? I guess it's time to put our chapter to a close. She just writes, and writes, and writes because she knows it's all she'll truly ever own. Writing has and always will be all I've ever known. These words are my one and only home. My true Love. You may have gone all 12 rounds with me, toe to toe, but I will always have the last word and that's the way my side of the story goes. You can keep your belt and your championship win; I will keep my pen.

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