Tuesday, April 16, 2019


It's sad the way you set yourself up, only to watch yourself fall. Then you have to force yourself back up. Brace for the impact. Force yourself to walk. Force yourself to go on. Will anything ever just come? Or will you always be forced to fight for what you want? You're constantly on the hunt with blanks in the gun. You aim, shoot, and miss every time. Over and over again like it's your life. You should be sorry for being so bad to yourself. Why do you stay so torn when you know the truth? You even know where to look for the answers to your questions but you just don't look. You always stay when you want to go and move when you should've stayed put. Impatient is a mood. You're of poor judgement and it almost always leads to poor decisions. Life goes on while you're stuck playing catch up. You always need extra credit on your homework. You can't ever just do shit right the first time. You're constantly scraping to make it to the ending. Aren't you so sick of spinning? You should be. Isn't is hard to keep moving when you're always dizzy? You have so much love to give but never get any. Seems like loving you takes up too much energy. It comes down to capacity. Will anyone ever be willing? Will anyone ever want to stay with you? Will anyone ever just love you? You keep making all the same mistakes and it's getting harder and harder to keep up with the pace. There is no one to blame but yourself and making changes is not your strong suit. Leaving the past in the past is the hardest test of time. You want him, and him, and him, and then none of them. You want the way he made you feel, not the feelings. You don't want to share what you had with someone else. You're selfish. Jealous. You meticulously set yourself up just to watch someone else come along and knock you down. When are you going to get tired of picking all of the pieces up? When are you going to realize that the person that treats you the worst is yourself? When will enough finally be enough? It's high time you put the dominoes on the shelf. 

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