Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Real MVP

You are the love of my entire life. When the days get dark, you are my light. When I feel alone, you are right by my side. When sadness rears it's ugly head in, you always know how to make me happy again. You have the power to make me feel high without smoking a thing. You can get me drunk with just one wink. You have the ability to bring me back down to reality without crashing and burning. You keep me inside the lines but whenever I drift out of bounds, you're right there to steer me back onto solid ground. You're the only man I know who can keep me contently confined and yet you still let me fly free whenever I need to stretch my wings. You never hold things against me, even when you probably should. You always let me rant and rave, even when you wish I wouldn't. You dry my tears even if it means you get soaked. You help me clean up my messes even when you have some of your own. You have a way with me that saves me from myself. I crave you when you're not around to help. You chase away my fears and then make sure they stay out. You'd take any shift, day or night, just to guard my heart. You pressure wash my insecurities away to make me look sparkling and new. You show me off the way a man is supposed to. You take the brunt of all of my many moods and always stay calm even when you don't want to. I am lucky and beyond blessed to call myself "Yours". You are the treasure among all of the trash that I have been searching for. I never imagined, not even in my wildest dreams, that there would be a man like you who would want to keep someone like me. I always thought that I'd have to settle for the next best thing, just a carbon copy. Just when I thought that all hope was lost, God gave me you, the original Hoss. You are the King of my whole world. I give you all of me. You keep me smiling through it all and never let me see you frowning. I don't know how or why you love me but I do know you're the best there's ever been. I am in awe of you at every turn and at every end. When I feel invisible, I am the only one you see. Even though you usually play the referee in my games, I am giving you the title of the real MVP. 

I love you Brandon Lee! The love of my life and real MVP. I'm going to marry you someday. Pluto Papi Chulo 


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