Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Perfect is not a word I'd use to describe very many things. I've never experienced that perfect friend, the perfect relationship, and certainly never have met a perfect man. Perfect is the word I'd use to describe a day of fun in the sun or a golden tan. I never imagined someone would come along and draw a clear line in the sand. You reached out over that line and gave me your hand. You pulled me across it and I haven't looked back since. You've introduced me to so many new places and things. You've given the word "Perfect" new meaning for me. I used to be blind to the possibilities of my life. I was broken and bound by sin and Satan had me in his tightest grip. I was slowly dying and my spirit was sinking with the ship. I was on a path leading me to certain death, going nowhere fast. You showed up one day and quickly changed all that. You brought the sound back to my deaf ears. You shed a light on my heart where it had been pitch black for many years. You dug deep within my dried up soul until you ruptured a spring and now once again my fountain flows. You deciphered my code, solved all of my unsolved mysteries, and re-wrote my entire history. In a world full of ugliness and hate, I am grateful you have become my fate. You came in and taught me not to quit. You've shown me, time and time again, that perfect does exist. 

1 comment:

  1. Life throws us curves all the time. You and I have people we love do dearly that treated or still treat us poorly. I’m glad they did. If they hadn’t we may have never found each other. We will continue to grow with God and each other. I thank God each day for you. You’re an amazing woman.
    Pluto Baby
