Thursday, December 6, 2012

Lindsey Renee

Ok. So I've had this blog up since last year and never got any enjoyment or real use out of it. It was a small outlet to vent my frustraions with work or being fat and pregnant...AGAIN. ;) I have to say now that I am grateful for this outlet now and I never want to stop writing ever, ever again as long as I live. There was a crippling factor in my life for so long that would diminish all of the best qualities of me. Like a diamond in the rough, I too needed smoothing around the edges. Once you've been pushed over the edge of a cliff enough times the fear begins to subside until you get to the point where you can jump off by yourself. I have wings, I love to fly. I am a fish, I love to swim. I am a writer, I love love love to Write. That's mine. You can't change any of it. I am Lindsey Renee Sherrill. 26 year old mother of 5. 9, 7, 4, 3 and 1. They are also mine. You can't take them away from me. Try it. I am content in my life and I have nothing to hide. I didn't know someone could go from the top to the bottom and back to the top so quickly. That's me. I did that. Anyway, I've had a few requests so I'll get to work on those. I enjoy the thought of you smiling while you read this, laughing, crying, getting heated or being absolutely shocked by it. I won't ever stop. Not even if you ask me to. If there is anything you want to know just ask. Any requests, this forum is open. Public. Free. For everyone even though not everyone needs know about me or what I say or the way I think. My words can be damaging but the damage inside of my head and my heart is what I'm working on right now. So fuck OFF!!! Naw, I'm just joking. So like I said before, Call it what you will but this is just me and my head. I can't be blamed for the way I feel but I also shouldn't be blamed or punished for trying to mend it either. Everybody has their own coping mechanisms, mine happens to be writing it all out. I'm not sorry about that but I'm sure there are some fuck heads out there right now wishing shit would have turned out differently. This is what I have to say to You: Swallow it and move on. What's done is done. Either way I appreciate the curiousity. It is my Spark.

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