Saturday, February 9, 2013

When I'm finally gone

Making history will be a myth for me because once all is said and done I will be long gone. Someday someone will take my words and turn them into songs. Then the whole world will sing along to the same tune. It's ok to not like the things I say because my words will forever be written on this page. I am ok with expressing my emotions and releasing them through my words into this world. I'm not looking for fame and Ive already been blessed with great fortune but knowing the world will see this someday makes me feel famous. I am not special and my words are not sacred but I write it all down in hopes that one day I'll make it. Maybe I'll be on the front page of the news, become an internet sensation or be asked to do T.V. interviews. Either way these words are my own and when I'm dead and gone they'll all belong to the world.

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